Contact BopCo
BopCo is jointly run by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
and the Royal Museum for Central Africa
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat / Rue Vautier 29
1000 Brussels
✆ +32 (0)2 627 41 23 (Ann Vanderheyden)
✆ +32 (0)2 627 42 85 (Samuel Vanden Abeele)
✆ +32 (0)2 627 44 20 (Karin Breugelmans)
✆ +32 (0)2 627 45 09 (Brigitte Segers)

Royal Museum for Central Africa
Leuvensesteenweg 13
3080 Tervuren
✆ +32 (0)2 769 58 55 (Nathalie Smitz)
✆ +32 (0)2 769 58 56 (Fanny Kratz)